5 Steps to an Effective Customer Feedback Program

by Interactive Northwest, Inc. Turn Up the Dial on Customer Satisfaction [frame align=”right” width=”300″ height=”300″ src=”https://www.interactivenw.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/CSAT.jpg”] Customer satisfaction is a key component to business success. Whether your organization is a retail brand selling products, a professional services firm providing differentiated

3 Ways to Measure Customer Satisfaction

by Interactive Northwest, Inc. [frame align=”right” width=”242″ height=”201″ src=”https://www.interactivenw.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/iStock_000021894847Small_notebook-and-graph.jpg”] In our recent article, 5 Ways to Reduce Customer Effort, we considered the alarming numbers around customer satisfaction and offered suggestions for improvement. With 59% of customers claiming medium to high